Tendrils G Shirt


Tendrils G Shirt

Another beadwork artist who is fusing a traditional and contemporary aesthetic? Sydne Gray, a Muscogee (Creek) artist from the Tendrils G Shirt In addition,I will do this Muscogee (Creek) Nation reservation in Tulsa, Oklahoma (her work has also been spotlighted on Reservation Dogs). Gray taught herself how to do beadwork growing up—she learned how to sew from her grandmother—and began finding her aesthetic while studying in college. “I desperately needed an outlet to reconnect me to my creativity, so I decided to buckle down and teach myself how to bead,” says Gray. Now, her pieces include unconventional designs like beaded flaming hearts, Daft Punk heads, and even Lactaid logos (poking fun at lactose intolerance amongst Indigenous folks). “I intend for humor and playfulness to be at the core of everything I make,” says Gray, who often looks to movies, music, or video games for inspiration. “I’ve always been a sucker for campy, over-the-top, exaggerated expressions. . . I don’t have any boundaries.”

Tendrils G Shirt

Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Tendrils G Shirt

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Official Tendrils G Shirt

Like Meserve, Gray’s work is decidedly modern and non-traditional—especially given her Muscogee background. “My Muscogee tribe has historically had very little to do with beadwork,” she says. “This used to make me very self-conscious, as if my work was somehow generic, invalid, or even inappropriate.” Still, she wanted to blend elements of pop culture into the Tendrils G Shirt In addition,I will do this medium. “Now, I am actively attempting to reconfigure my own brain to look at something I’ve made and think, ‘This is Native art.’ It’s Native because I’m making it.”

Tendrils G Shirt hoodie

Buy this shirt:  https://morishirt.com/product/tendrils-g-shirt/

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Top Tendrils G Shirt

Another beadwork artist who is fusing a traditional and contemporary aesthetic? Sydne Gray, a Muscogee (Creek) artist from the Tendrils G Shirt In addition,I will do this Muscogee (Creek) Nation reservation in Tulsa, Oklahoma (her work has also been spotlighted on Reservation Dogs). Gray taught herself how to do beadwork growing up—she learned how to sew from her grandmother—and began finding her aesthetic while studying in college. “I desperately needed an outlet to reconnect me to my creativity, so I decided to buckle down and teach myself how to bead,” says Gray. Now, her pieces include unconventional designs like beaded flaming hearts, Daft Punk heads, and even Lactaid logos (poking fun at lactose intolerance amongst Indigenous folks). “I intend for humor and playfulness to be at the core of everything I make,” says Gray, who often looks to movies, music, or video games for inspiration. “I’ve always been a sucker for campy, over-the-top, exaggerated expressions. . . I don’t have any boundaries.”

Tendrils G Shirt Long Sleeve

Like Meserve, Gray’s work is decidedly modern and non-traditional—especially given her Muscogee background. “My Muscogee tribe has historically had very little to do with beadwork,” she says. “This used to make me very self-conscious, as if my work was somehow generic, invalid, or even inappropriate.” Still, she wanted to blend elements of pop culture into the Tendrils G Shirt In addition,I will do this medium. “Now, I am actively attempting to reconfigure my own brain to look at something I’ve made and think, ‘This is Native art.’ It’s Native because I’m making it.”

Buy this shirt:  Click Here to buy this Tendrils G Shirt

Home:  https://morishirt.com/

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